Overview for oslo

034 - Øyvind Sørfjordmo

I encountered Øyvind’s work and work spirit for the first time during his master at KhiO in Oslo. From the start I was captivated by his style and universe, so it was a real pleasure to enter Øyvind's studio again to have coffee and talk art, studio and movies.

He just did two brilliant solo exhibitions. One at Brandstrup in Oslo and another one at BGE in Stavanger.

Enjoy the talk!




032 - Lars Dalin

I ran into Lars a couple of years back at Vintage guitar shop in downtown Oslo. He had a workshop there for a while which I couldn't resist entering. That brought us to developing jigs for guitar-making together. He has a wonderful shop in Oslo where he does repairs and restorations and building guitars. Check him out! He is an incredible nice guy and tremendously skilled. Enjoy our talk!


030 - Charlotte Hagelund

Before the summer I had the pleasure to talk to Charlotte Hagelund.
Together with Jan Christensen she started the consulting platform called Hagelund/Christensen.
They are looking to find new structures and business models for visual arts that will create a healthier art industry, in which far more people be able to access and appreciate art, and where artists get the support they need to focus and evolve in what they do best; making art.
This theme of improving the lives of artists and finding different and more healthy strategies is very dear to my heart so I hope you enjoy our talk!




019 Tori Wrånes

Tori did me the honor coming by the studio to do a talk.  We even made some music! Other than that we talked art, about her busy international schedule, about cranes and crane operators and having a wild will.